In- en verkoop van tweedehands audioapparatuur
+31(0)6 21711204

Hoofdstraat 18 D
5683 AD, Best
Laden / Lossen / Parkeren via st. Odulphusstraat 2A

KVK 58930280
BTW NL001950667B03
NL52 ABNA 0463 7103 55


What are the opening hours of Vintro-Media?

Vintro-Media has no fixed opening hours and can't be visited without an appointment. An appoinment should always be made in advance, either through email or phone.

How to respond to a product?

Vintro-Media can be contacted in different ways. All items on this site have an envelope, if you click on this you automatically go to the contact page. You don't need to sign up for anything and will only get response to your question. Your e-mail address is not stored anywhere and will not be used for unsolicited advertising or other matters.

Vintro-Media is reachable by phone in different ways, you can call us, text us and whatsapp is. The number is listed in the company information of Vintro-Media on the left side of the page. If you do not get a reply, please leave voicemail or send an e-mail. To keep a good overview Vintro-Media prefers email.

Is the offered equipement tested and in working condition?

All equipment that arrives at Vintro-Media is tested and checked. This is to ensure that everything is working properly. In addition, all devices get service. This service consists of internal and external cleaning of the machine. For example dust, which may cause overheating or malfunction, is removed from the device. Also creaking potentiometers are cleaned and defects are repaired. An example would be the replacement of the lights for the scale lighting.

Despite this, the device could still have a certain defect. If this is the case, this will always be clearly stated in the ad.

What guarantee do I get when I buy a device at Vintro-Media?

All equipment is checked, tested and is offered as working (unless stated otherwise in the ad). If this is not the case when arriving at home, you can return the equipment purchased and you can exchange it for an other or receive your money back. These so-called purchase warranty applies to all equipment, unless stated otherwise in the ad. Keep in mind that this purchase warranty only applies when picking up and not to shipment. More about this can be read in the terms and condition.

Does Vintro-Media have fixed prices?

All prices listed in the ads are fixed. This also applies when purchasing more then one product at the time. The prices of Vintro-Media are very competitive compared to others and we offer devices in every price range.

How can I trade in / sell equipement to Vintro-Media and does Vintro-Media accept everything?

Vintro-Media is always interested in buying audio equipment, even if it is defective. This can be through trading in or just selling. When trading in the agreed trade-in amount is deducted from the selling price. The trade-in value depends on the applied audio equipment. Preference is given to trade-in in person, however it is also possible through shipment. In the last case, please contact us on forehand.

We prefer that you bring the equipment offered to us, but depending on your offer and the distance picking up can be discussed.

It is possible that the offered items have insufficient or no resale value to us. It is therefore important to always communicate sufficient information to us about the offered products. This includes type number, and the operation state. If we are not interested in the offered items, it is possible to leave it behind free of charge. We will ensure that it is disposed.

My device is defective, Vintro-Media can fix this for me?

Yes, Vintro-Media also takes repairs. Some of the repairs we do ourselves, but we also have a mechanic working for us with 30 years of experience in audio / visual repairs. If you have a device that you want to have fixed, please contact us. Together we can make an estimation of the costs of repair and determine whether it is still worth to repair or better to replace it.

Does Vintro-Media have regularly new stock?

Vintro-Media has over the years gained a lot of connections and experience in the used audio world and knows were to find devices. This results in new equipement coming in every week, always keeping our offer interesting and innovative.

Since Vintro-Media depends on what is offered by third parties, it is not possible to determine in advance what the supply will be in the future. It is possible for our customers to inform us about about specific wishes. We will then start looking for you or give you first choice of equipment when it arrives at Vintro-Media.

Why does Vintro-Media also offer faulty equipment?

Vintro-Media also offers the option to trade in faulty equipment. This causes large numbers of defective devices in stock. To avoid an excessive amount in stock defective devices are sold immediately. With this equipment is not tampered by Vintro-Media and the type of fault is always mentioned in the ad.

Can I also ask Vintro-Media for advice?

Vintro-Media enjoys helping you with finding the right equipment. Therefore we are always willing to give advice. You can always contact us with questions, big or small. This may also be after you have purchased something and you have problems getting it to work.

Is it possible to have an order shipped?

Almost all offered equipment can be shipped by Vintro-Media. The shipping costs are listed in the ad. These mentioned shipping costs for delivery within the Netherlands. If shipping is not possible, it is mentioned in the ad. This can be due to the size or weight. It could also be that additional costs are charged due to size or weight. Should this be the case, it is always mentioned in the ad.

Is shipping an order abroad also possible?

Shipping outside the Netherlands is in most cases no problem. Here other costs are involved then the shipping costs mentioned in the ad. Shipping costs vary per country, so please always check with Vintro-Media to find out what the shipping cost will be.

What is the risk of shipping my order?

Vintro-Media has a lot of experience in packaging equipment. Despite the fact that we can never completely eliminate the risk, Vintro-Media tries to minimized the risk by packaging properly and securely. When packing we try to take into account what a package will endure during transport. Be aware that transport is always at your own risk. More information about this you can find in the terms and conditions.

Why do I need to pay before my order is shipped?

To avoid issues or discussions afterwards about the payment, the full amount including shipment, needs to be paid upfront. If you do not feel comfortable with this or prefer to see the equipment before payment, you're always welcome to come and get it in person.

In what time span does Vintro-Media ship my order?

Vintro Media strives to process orders as quickly as possible. Overall this is within 48 hours of ordering. However, there are some factors you should consider.

In most cases there is one day delay between the transferring the money and Vintro-Media receiving it.

Orders just before the weekend may be delayed because of the shipping companies' policy. For example, PostNL does deliver on Saturday but not on Sunday. In addition, packages sent on Saturday aren't delivered until Tuesday. DPD does not receive or deliver in the weekends.

Should their be another reason for delay Vintro-Media will inform you about this.

Which companies are used for shipping? Through which shipping company the packages are sent?

Packages under 10kg are sent by PostNL. Packages over 10 kg are sent by DPD. Both companies offer a similar kind of service, as a customer you will not notice any difference.